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Our Story

La Gang à Rambrou has been in action since 1995, and its recipe for success is tangible demonstrations of the talents of people living with disabilities. Over the years, the Gang's specialty has been artistic expression in all its forms by its members.

Initially, La Gang à Rambrou focused on theater. The concept was born of a joint idea between a pastoral animator from Collège privé St-Jean-Vianney and the CRDI Gabrielle-Major (Centre de Réadaptation en Déficience Intellectuelle). The idea was to pair students with participants with intellectual disabilities or on the autism spectrum.

In 1997, a choir and musicians were added to the theater.

In 1998, La Gang à Rambrou joined forces with Les Muses. Dance became an integral part of our productions.

In 2005, La Gang à Rambrou was officially registered at the Registraire des entreprises and recognized by the ARC as a charitable organization.

In 2006, La Gang added another string to its bow: the visual arts.

In 2008, another great partnership was formed with Les Compagnons de Montréal. With their expertise in communications and a dynamic team, the Compagnons provided support in the creation of stage sets. The Compagnons' thrift store also helped to furnish our costume wardrobe.

In 2014, La Gang à Rambrou received recognition from the PSOC (Programme de soutien aux organismes communautaires). We added a brand-new service for our members, Ateliers de l'Arrière-scène. This social economy project, recognized and largely funded by the Forum Jeunesse de l'ïle de Montréal, offers professional training for school-finishing students who find themselves without support services after the age of 21. The Mercier Hochelaga Maisonneuve CDEST is helping with a grant for the purchase of specialized equipment and furnishings.

The Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-l'Île provides 30 hours a week of Social Integration teaching staff. We would also like to acknowledge the collaboration of the CIUSSS du Centre-sud, which assigns a social worker under a collaborative agreement.

In 2016, the social economy project takes shape and a grant from PME Centre Est further develops the visibility of the L'Arrière-scène program.
Mohammed Ghoul and his APPROSH program become partners of the Gang à Rambrou.

In 2017, as part of Canada's 150th anniversary, in partnership with Simplicom, we published "Masters of Social Inclusion. Visionaries and builders of a fairer society" (available in our store), which brings together the biographies of 150 Canadian men and women who have marked the history of social inclusion in Canada.

In 2022, we are organizing a shoot with professional actors such as Danielle Proulx, Sylvie Moreau and François Chénier. These video segments are integrated into our show “L'envol de Madame Papillon”, presented in partnership with the Opéra de Montréal, at the Maison de la culture Mercier. Since then, our artists have collaborated every year with the Opéra de Montréal to produce a show combining choral singing, opera singing, dance and theater. 

We have also begun shooting the documentary L'Art Bienveillant with the Opéra de Montréal, which was completed in January 2023. 
As part of the inclusive Quebec-French musical project Simul&Singulis, we tour France in September 2022. 

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